Evento online e gratuito
A Agência PUC-Rio de Inovação é uma das instituições organizadoras do evento BIN@2020: Innovation for the Future of Humanity, promovido também pela FEUP (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto) e em parceria com a FIRJAN (Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro).
Nesta edição, o evento trará a oportunidade única de participar de forma digital, com auxílio de plataforma exclusiva e diferenciada, permitindo aos inscritos a possibilidade de interagir com centros de inovação da América Latina, Europa e outros diversos continentes para debater temas como sinergias de ecossistemas de inovação, igualdade de gênero e futuro da humanidade no contexto pós pandemia.
Ainda, o evento faz parte da celebração do 10º aniversário da série de eventos anuais Business and Innovation Network (BIN@) e acontecerá em 28 de outubro, online.
28 DE OUTUBRO DE 2020 • ONLINE • 09H ÀS 17:30H, no horário de Brasília
09h – 09h30 | OPENING SESSION
Session held in English
Projection of BIN@ 10 years celebration video
Welcome messages from organising institutions:
FIRJAN – Frederico Cezar Araújo, Director of International Relations
PUC-Rio – Luiz Carlos Scavarda do Carmo, Professor and Special Adviser to the Rector’s Office
FEUP – João Falcão e Cunha, Dean
09h30 – 12h | OPEN TALKS & DEBATE
Session held in English
09h30 | ‘Emerging Ecocivilisation in a post-pandemic era’ Violeta Bulc – Curator of Ecocivilisation
10h00 | ‘What do we need to prepare the next big social revolution?’ Luís Sarmento – Machine learning researcher
10h30 | ‘Sanitation: transforming lives through innovation’ Carlos Melo – Head of Sustainability at BRK Ambiental
11h00 | Debate: Innovation Ecosystems’ Synergies
Moderator: Shirley Coutinho – Executive Coordinator, PUC-Rio
Igor Manhães Nazareth – Subsecretary for Innovation and Digital Transformation, Brazilian Ministry of Economy
Alexandre Soyama – Smart Cities Business Development Manager, NEC BRASIL
‘Como Ela Faz’ (‘Women at Work’)
Producer: Sylvio Rocha, Tocha Filmes
This documentray will serve as reference for the afternoon session on gender equality.
Round table discussion held in Portuguese (see the detailed programme in PT)
Coordination: Regina Bronstein
Moderator: Teresa Perez del Castillo – UN Women
Special Participation: Sylvio Rocha is the director and partner of Tocha Filmes and the producer of the award-winning documentary ‘Como Ela Faz’. He will speak about his experience in making this film that recently won the prize for Best Foreign Short Documentary at Hollywood Women’s Film Festival 2020. During the debate that follows, different parts of this documentary will be shown, serving as a basis for the ensuing discussion among the panel members.
Ana Fontes – RME (Rede Mulheres Empreendedoras)
Andrea Carvalho – Grupo Mulheres do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro
Cláudia Diniz – Women in Mining Brazil
Cláudia Mendes – Women in Tech
Silvia Fazio – WILL (Women in Leadership in Latin America)
16h – 17h30 | AQUÁRIO SESSION
Live at Casa Firjan Youtube Channel
Session held in Portuguese
‘Caminhos de adaptabilidade para as empresas’
Leonardo Serpa – CEO, ENGIE Solutions
Clara Gonçalves – Advisory Board Member, CUNY Firefly Innovations
Pedro Coelho – Head of Research and Innovation Support Unit, FEUP
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