Vice-Rectory for Development and Innovation Affairs
The Vice-Rectory for Development and Innovation Affairs “is the executive body that guides, coordinates and supervises all activities for the development of the University”. (Rules of Procedure, Chap. VIII, Art. 12). Its main duties are (Ibid., Art. 13):
To promote and obtain the necessary resources for the development
of the University.
To guide and coordinate the University’s public relations,
both with the private sector and with the public sector: with society and the community in which the University is inserted and to which it provides its services.
The Vice-Rector for Development and Innovation is statutorily responsible for
1 – the role of Secretary General of the Development Council (CONDES), a body that consults and advises the Rectorate on everything related to the preservation of the PUC’s cultural and moral heritage (Statutes, Chap. VII, Art. 38 and 39).
2 – to promote projects and activities that contribute to the development of the University, its projection in society, and its possible expansion, by leasing or acquiring other properties.
Bodies related to the
Vice-Rectory for Development and Innovation Affairs:
- Central Coordination of Partnerships and Innovation (CCPIN);
- Central Coordination of Sponsored Projects (CCPP);
- Central Coordination for Development and Integration (CCDI);
- Central Intellectual Property Coordination (CCPI);
- Tecgraf Institute.

Raul Cesar Baptista Martins
Development Advisor
Gustavo Robichez de Carvalho
Innovation Advisor
Vice-Rectory for Development and Innovation Affairs
Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225
22453-900 Kennedy Wing – 2nd. Floor – Gávea
Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil – Tel: +55 21 3527-1126
Fax: +55 21 3527-1119